
  2631 McIngvale Rd Hernando, MS 386

a place for joyful movement

Ballet DeSoto

 501c3 non-profit 

committed to providing

quality performance opportunity

for Mississippians of all ages and abilities . 

We are excited to announce our 21st annual Nutcracker Season! Ballet DeSoto is partnering with Stars In Motion for this 8 week ballet class session and Hernando Dickens of a Christmas performance. Students will learn classical ballet technique and appropriate choreography for children in K5-5th grade. Classes begin September 17 with performance on November 9.
In an effort to keep costs low for families, Dancers may choose to wear dancewear or comfortable, fitted clothing. Leotards, tights and ballet slippers will be available at discounted pricing.
We will be seeking grants and sponsorships to cover production expenses and costumes. The total fee per dancer is $90. Admission to the Dickens event on the Hernando Square is free.
Book a space for your child today!
K5-2nd Thursdays 4:30-5:15
3rd-5th Tuesdays 4:30-5:15
Email us with any questions:

Mission2Move seeks to move MS toward whole wellness through joyful and mindful movement. Through this program, we provide improved health education in under resourced communities in a state that ranks low in nearly all national health outcomes. It is our mission to change these statistics. 

An important component of our work is our Coaching Community. Our intent is to educate and empower members of the community to engage kinesthetic learning, establish core values, and enlist Character Strengths in an effort to overcome adverse experiences.